Author's Note

I hope that this blog will inspire you and renew your resolve to overcome the fear, the pain, the overwhelming sense of dread that you may have found yourself in. If I can make you laugh, cry, or have some personal realization about your own situation, I will be incredibly pleased - for you.
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain." - unknown

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Radiation Treatments by Ambulance

While Dave was in the hospital they started radiation treatments to his T8 vertebrae area.  Because Dave couldn't move hardly at all without tremendous pain and effort, "people" were sent to get him.  "People" turned out to be an ambulance crew.  Ok, so we are across the street from the Cancer Center and Dave had to be taken out on a gurney, into an ambulance, driven across the street, taken in, radiated, back into the ambulance, across the street, into his bed.  This little diddy costs $1,000.  We racked up quite a bill.  Now I understand the ambulance folks need to get paid, but I have to say, why wouldn't a wonderful hospital like Rideout Memorial and the UC Davis Cancer Center have provisions for this?  I could see it and I could walk to it.  A skywalk, internal personnel, something.  One of the more INSANE things you deal with when serious illness hits you the way it does.  What are you going to do?

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